Guidance Counselor

Brandi F. Beal
Phone: 478-929-7826 Ext. 7 Email:
Guidance Counselor
Guidance Counseling for Elementary Age Students
What an exciting adventure it is to work with elementary age children! You NEVER know what awaits you. As Guidance Counselor, my job is to help guide decision making skills for students in their academic, social, career, and personal lives. In providing for the students at BES, time is spent in individual counseling, group counseling, and classroom guidance sessions. Classroom guidance sessions provide an introduction to the counselor as well as different topics throughout the year. Second Step Child Protection Unit lessons are also taught during Classroom Guidance time. Lessons may include the areas of academic, personal-social, career, character, and problem-solving skills. These lessons are designed to influence skills necessary to better equip them in their personal and academic successes. Small group sessions are taught as needed and could include social skills, death, divorce, friendship (girl-power) skills, hygiene and many others. Individual counseling is brief and solution-focused and helps students in the area of skill-building. In the list of websites posted, you will find tips to help students to soar in any area that could impact their academic success.
P. A. W. S.
Positive Attitude
Positive Attitude
Always Respectful
Works Diligently
Safety First
Parent and Student Information
Building Character Traits
Good Character
This website is helpful in finding ways to help your child build great character traits. Most often, children must be taught the trait in order to get a full understanding of its meaning. Parents are encouraged to model the appropriate behaviors, highlight book characters who exemplify the traits, and communicate effectively these character traits. If parents model with direct teaching, the child will benefit more from the lesson taught.
Study Skills for Elementary Students
Study Skills
Study Skills are very necessary for students to develop early in their educational years. The sooner a student learns study skills or habits for improving in their academics, the more successful they are likely to be. Study Skills are habits to help a child advance in their academic success. As students set goals academically, study habits can be adjusted to help meet those goals.
Personal Body Safety Skills
Second Step Child Protection Unit
This curriculum is presented in Grades K-5 to teach Personal Body Safety in the public schools of Houston County. This website gives more insight about the topics, discussion, and specific lures taught to each grade level.
Building Social Skills
PBS Kids
Discovery Girls Magazine
Good Character
This website is helpful in finding ways to help your child build great character traits. Most often, children must be taught the trait in order to get a full understanding of its meaning. Parents are encouraged to model the appropriate behaviors, highlight book characters who exemplify the traits, and communicate effectively these character traits. If parents model with direct teaching, the child will benefit more from the lesson taught.
Study Skills for Elementary Students
Study Skills
Study Skills are very necessary for students to develop early in their educational years. The sooner a student learns study skills or habits for improving in their academics, the more successful they are likely to be. Study Skills are habits to help a child advance in their academic success. As students set goals academically, study habits can be adjusted to help meet those goals.
Personal Body Safety Skills
Second Step Child Protection Unit
This curriculum is presented in Grades K-5 to teach Personal Body Safety in the public schools of Houston County. This website gives more insight about the topics, discussion, and specific lures taught to each grade level.
Building Social Skills
PBS Kids
Discovery Girls Magazine